TMAC Board Minutes – February 16, 2022

TMAC National Board Meeting February 16, 2022 – Zoom

Attendees: Tracy Ford, Yashy Murphy, Grant Fraser, Jerry Grymek, Judi Cohen, Darcy Rhyno, Jami Savage, Paul Knowles, Pam Wamback, Noelle Aune,Donna Hatt, Rod Charles, Wendy Nordvik-Carr

Regrets:  Guy Theriault, Ayngelina Brogan, Kattrin Duncan


1.0   Call to order TF – 12:02 EST

2..0   Approval of Agenda – Moved JG, Seconded YM

3.0   Approval of Minutes – Moved PK, Seconded YM

4.0   Business Arising

First motion: Moved by Paul Knowles, seconded by Darcy Rhyno, That full qualification and requalification points awarded to any editor of any print or on-line publication who assigns paid travel articles to communicators. Carried.

Second motion: Preamble: The HR Committee is recommending to the board Diane Suazo for the position of Social Media Coordinator. She scored highest in interviews and her reference checks were very positive. She has everything we need to carry out TMAC’s social media work, and we think she’ll be a pleasure for Donna, the board and committee members to work with. 

It is therefore moved by Darcy Rhyno, seconded by Jerry Grymek that TMAC offer Diane Suazo a 4-month contract beginning February 1, 2022 to carry out the role of Social Media Coordinator.  Carried.

Both motions were ratified.

5.0   Financial Report – GF reported on financial balance. Motion to approve January Financials – (View report here)

 Seconded by JC

6.0   National Committee ReportsSee Reports Document for reports

Awards Committee – TF No discussion

Communications Committee – YM-   gearing up for a social event on Feb 17 for all members.  To-date 58 people are registered.  Focussing on conference excitement and communications. Diane has been brought on board and is providing assistance. Preparations for the Conference continue.

Conference Committee – PW provided an update. Regarding the request for a spousal program, PK confirmed that due to space and cost, spouses cannot be accommodated within the program or tours. AGM to be held separate from the conference.

Future Host Committee – JG provided update. Bidding for 2024 and beyond will be released after the conference.

Sponsorship Committee – JG   Total sponsorship now $21k, Goal was $25K. Virginia moved from Bronze to Silver, New Brunswick is a new sponsor, Talking to Jordan Tourism, and Louisiana Tourism as hosts or sponsors. Logos for all confirmed to be sent to YM.

Governance Committee – JS provided an update and tabled 2 motions:

Motion: All Board Members who attend the 2022 conference and have an active leadership role and responsibilities while attending be eligible to submit their expenses for reimbursement. 
JC/YM – Motion Carried

The Governance Committee has amalgamated 4 outdated policies into one document titled, “Board Responsibilities and Benefits.” (Viewable Here) 

Motion: Review and adopt the “Board Responsibilities and Benefits Policy” effective immediately.  This motion is to be presented at the March board meeting.

The AGM Calendar was presented by JC

May 26: AGM, agenda, minutes, reports, financial, voting
May 4: AGM package must be sent to membership, no less than 21 days prior to the meeting 
April 20: Board approves AGM package for distribution at Board meeting; Slate of officers confirmed based on voting
April 20: 12 noon EST, Closing of the voting
April 14: AGM Package DRAFT sent to Board for review
April 7: 2021 Financial review completed; documents provided 
April 13: Voting on slate of officers begins/launched
March 31: Board/Committee/Chapter reports due, and bylaw amendments (Paul)
March 31: Deadline for Nominations
March 8: Info session (2pm) TENT
March 1: Call for Nominations
February – clarifications of the positions that are open – Further discussions will follow this meeting to clarify positions.

Human Resources Committee-DR No discussion

Membership Committee – PK will be sending the board a list of members who have not yet renewed and requested we help to follow up by phone or email to determine intent to renew and attend conference. He also confirmed the committee will help out with a buddy system for the conference.

Professional Development Committee- DH provided update. PD sessions have been confirmed as set out in the report. The goal was to have PD sessions once a quarter, now being held monthly. WNK wanted people to be prepared for the conference sessions, ie – video session.

Conference PD Sessions – WNK/PW will continue to work on the sessions, acknowledging that some will be held concurrently. PW kindly asked that no more changes be made to the conference schedule. PD Committee are working to achieve their objects and work within the schedule.  DR expressed thanks on behalf of the board to the Conference Committee and PD Committee.

TF inquired about holding the chapter meetings separate from the conference, possibly at the AGM to free up time for PD sessions. After a good discussion, the chapter meetings will be held at the conference as planned, and consideration may be given to other options for future conferences.

7.0   Chapter Reports (See Reports Document)  No discussion

8.0   Staff Reports (See Reports Document) No discussion

9.0   New Business- TF -no new business

10.0   In Camera- TF- not required

11.0   Next Meeting-TF

March 16, 2022, 12 EST via zoom

Meeting Adjournment – TF – Meeting adjourned at 1:18 EST.

Minutes taken by Board Secretary Judi Cohen