TMAC National Board Meeting Minutes – April 20, 2022 – Zoom
Attendees: Tracy Ford, Darcy Rhyno, Pat Lee, Donna Hatt, Grant Fraser, Judi Cohen, Paul Knowles, Noelle Aune, Wendy Nordvik-Carr, Jerry Grymek, Yashy Murphy, Jami Savage
Regrets: Guy Theriault, Pam Wamback
1.0 Call to Order – TF called meeting to order at 12:03 pm EST
2.0 Approval of Agenda – TF – Moved JC, seconded JS. Carried.
3.0 Approval of Minutes – TF- Moved DR, seconded GF. Carried.
- March 16 – viewable here
4.0 Business Arising from the Minutes
- Board of Directors Nomination/Elections Update
On April 12, one of the five nominees withdrew. The planned communication for voting between April 13 – 20 was canceled.The four Directors at Large, by acclamation, are:
Mark Stevens (Media)
Pierre Santoni (Industry)
Rod Charles (Media)
Wendy Nordvik-Carr (Media)
To be distributed May 4th. Following some discussion about the inclusion of a Q & A on the AGM agenda, as well as a decision to include an update from TF and GF with a look forward perspective.Motion to approve the AGM agenda with amendments to be included was moved by JC, seconded by PK.
JC and DH will look to the Governance Committee for insight in preparing the motions and voting given the AGM is via zoom.
5.0 Financial Report – GF
5.1 Account Balances as of April 13, 2022
Community Plus Plan |
Business Investor Account |
Credit Card balance |
$218,633.93 |
$10,460.30 |
$0.00 |
5.2 Monthly Financial Reports: as of March 31/22 (View Report Here)
Grant acknowledged the report had been shared, requested if there were any questions, hearing none, the report was accepted.
5.3 2021 Fiscal Year End Report: Auditors Review – Viewable Here
GF clarified that the statements are NOT audited statements. JC and DH to check that the AGM agenda accurately describes the statements as NOT audited.
Regarding sharing of an update at the AGM regarding current status and more positive position of the association, GF reiterated the opportunity to share some good news with membership in light of the fiscal review results. DR agreed as did a number of board members. GF will look at the possibility of giving a first quarter fiscal update for 2022, reflecting 3- 4 months recap, and that TF provide information as necessary on the ED departure.
PK noted that the AGM occurs at an odd time nearing the middle of the next fiscal year and it is important to share all the good news and convey our collective excitement about the present and future of TMAC.
DH and GF will draft a presentation to be shared with the board prior to the AGM.
6.0 National Committee Reports (See Reports Document for reports)
- 2021 Awards Committee: Chair Tracy Ford – TF provided highlights that the judges are working on getting through the submissions. Judging to be completed by May 12 and the top 5's will be notified the following day. TF and DH met with the Gala Committee and all is on track for the awards ceremony.
Member Voted Awards were launched March 31, close April 27.
- Communications Committee: Chair Yashy Murphy
YM explained a few hiccups with the social media coordinator leaving. A content calendar will be complete by May 1.
- Conference Committee: Co-Chairs Guy Theriault & Pam Wamback
DH noted that media were informed of at least one media tour on April 11th, with limited availability for a second post-tour option with a deadline of April 14 for selections. These are currently being reviewed with hopes to be back in contact with media before end of this week. This process has been fast-tracked to enable media to made travel arrangements.
It is hoped that final tweaks to the PD sessions with descriptions/presenters confirmed, and itineraries confirmed by April 22 to issue a communication to all delegates and finalize the local tour selections as well.
- Future Host Committee: Chair Jerry Grymek
JG reported that interest has been expressed by Sun Peaks as a future host. This is in addition to others who previously expressed interest. The goal is to lock in future hosts for the next 3 years.
- Sponsorship Committee: Chair Jerry Grymek
JG noted that a new gold sponsor, Tourism Kingston has been secured, bringing our total sponsorship to $23,980. He anticipates exceeding our goal with additional sponsors before the conference.
In light of enthusiastic response and waitlist, WNC inquired about having 2 conferences per year. PK indicated that he and DH have discussed this, suggested something in the late fall potentially, but not another conference. DH suggested this could be a summit, or something in collaboration with Destination Canada and/or our partners. Once conference is in hand, explore further.
- Governance Committee: Chair Jami Savage
MOTION: JS moved, Seconded by JC., that
“Board Members are eligible to submit the following expenses for reimbursement after attending the conference and completing their assigned volunteer responsibilities. Eligible expenses include conference registration fee, primary transportation to and from the conference, as well as accommodations. Board Members are to seek out the best prices to help reduce costs to the organization. Additional expenses such as parking, transfers, meals, and upgrades (such as seat selection) are not eligible be submitted for reimbursement.”
JS spoke about the Strategic Planning Session. Working with TF to seek facilitators with an estimated budget of $5,000. TF noted that this will be revisited after the conference and that the session would be held after the new members are on board. PK supported the direction that TF had suggested. TF thanked JS for all of her work on the Strategic Planning Session to date.
AGM report: Judi Cohen -no further update.
- Human Resources Committee: Co-Chairs Jerry Grymek & Darcy Rhyno
DR noted that his report for the board was submitted prior to the resignation of the Social Media Coordinator which was received April 19. Donna will assume SM responsibilities.
DR acknowledged that the committee has just signed a 3-month extension to DH's contract as it is about to end April 29th. Developed in conjunction with our lawyer, the amended 3-month extension envelops the Social Media and reflects the overall operation/administration of TMAC. This 3-month extension will carry TMAC through the conference and wrap up. This contract will be based on a $50,000/year wage plus HST, in keeping with budget allocation for 2022. In light of the reports and documented work above and beyond the part time (100 hrs/mo) this contract acknowledges and will be retroactive to February 1st with difference between current pay, and new rate being paid.
With the next 3 months in hand, working with our lawyer, the HR committee is preparing and will be recommending a TMAC Employee versus TMAC contractor going forward starting August 1st with a goal to have this in place and confirmed with an employee named by August 1st. This position will be posted within TMAC membership, and open to DH to apply as well.
Moved by PK, seconded by GF, to accept the HR Committees recommendation to extend the current CAO contract by 3 months, with expanded duties based on full time hours and pro-rated at $50,000 annually effective May 1 – July 31, 2022. Further, that the remuneration be retroactive to Feb. 1 – April 30, 2022.
Motion Carried.
- Membership Committee (Media & Industry): Chair Paul Knowles PK noted that we currently have 336 members, ahead of the goal of 321, and the numbers keep increasing! Industry is getting stronger day by day. He is working on the Buddy Program for the Conference, and TF is working on assignments for board members during the conference, that may include being a buddy. TF will be assigning support persons to assist DH at the conference.
- National PD Committee: Co-Chairs Irene Knight / Lindsay Nieminen
WNC commented on new sessions including how content creators can work with DMOs and editors, and one on regenerative travel.
7.0 Chapter Reports/Updates (See Reports Document)
- BC & Yukon
- Prairies & NWT
- Ontario
- Atlantic:
PL noted that a chapter meeting was held at the Karsh Exhibit. DR said that a big newspaper spread resulted from this event.
8.0 Staff Reports (See Reports Document)
– CAO Report – DH
report enclosed, no questions posed. DH suggested going through the AGM agenda again to clarify which items are for information and which are for approval. Upcoming Tourism Week and Earth Day social media shout outs.
9.0 New Business – TF No new business
10.0 In Camera – TF – No business
11.0 Next Meeting – TF
May 18, 2022, 12 EST via zoom.
11.0 Meeting Adjournment TF adjourned meeting at 1:15 pm EST. Happy Birthday Tracy!!!
Minutes recorded by Judi Cohen – Board Secretary