2024 TMAC Conference – Travel Grant Guidelines

(Updated July 22, 2024)

The Media Member TMAC 2024 Conference Travel Grant is allocated to media members in good standing who are attending the conference. Funds received through the travel grant are ONLY to be used to offset travel expenses to and from the conference destination and/or accommodation at host hotel only. 

In order to qualify for the travel grant, you must attend a minimum of 18 appointments (of the possible 24) over the two-day Media Marketplace.

With a budget maximum of $27,850.00 available for 2024, to be shared among media members expressing interest in applying for the Travel Grant, and upon completion and submission the Travel Expense Claim Form (below) accompanied by your travel receipts.

Below are the estimated and actual rates for 2023, by province of origin.
This has been arrived at by using the ‘average’ return flight rates to/from Sudbury (our conference location)

Province Travel Grant 
Anticipated – Undetermined in 2024
(as of June 5, 2023)

Travel Grant 


British Columbia $800.00 $455.00
Alberta $800.00 $340.00
Saskatchewan $610.00 $340.00
Manitoba $550.00 $445.00
Ontario $100.00 $310.00
Quebec $200.00 $300.00
Nova Scotia $500.00 $210.00
New Brunswick $500.00 $270.00
PEI $600.00 N/A
NFL N/A $0.00

Who is eligible to apply?

All TMAC media members must be in good standing and must be registered (including payment) for the 2024 Conference in St. John’s, Newfoundland & Labrador by April 30, 2024 (registration deadline, or upon sell out). We ask media members to exercise their own best judgment as to whether they qualify based on need.

What do I have to do to apply?

For 2024 we are extending the Travel Grant to all media delegates attending the conference. However, the responsibility lies with you the individual to complete and submit the Travel Expense Claim Form (below) accompanied by your travel receipts, you'll need to submit them to receive your travel grant  – after the conference is over.

What does the travel grant cover?

The travel grant will apply toward media members' largest travel expense to get to the annual conference, primarily travel (airfare, train, car, etc.) as well as accommodation at the host hotel. Other expenses such as airport shuttles or taxis are not covered by this program, nor are conference registration fees, meals or any other incidental fees.

How is this funded?

A pre-determined amount from industry registration fees are allocated to support the travel grant fund. Additionally, a contribution is received from the host destination. For 2024 this includes:
Local Host (Destination St. John’s): $10,000.00 
Industry (Primary) Delegates @ $150.00 per delegate = $17,000.00
Resulting in $27,000.00 being made available for MEDIA Travel Grants.

How is the grant calculated?

Calculating the exact amount of each grant involves looking at distance travelled, how many industry members register and how many media delegates attend – and apply. All submissions are confidential. All decisions are final.

A minimum travel grant of $100 (or actual expenditures if under $100) will be granted to each media member in good standing who has registered and paid for his or her conference attendance before April 30, 2024.
Applications received after April 30, 2024 maybe considered.

Reimbursements issued to members will not total more than the amount a member has paid for his or her expenses.

Example: If you are booking your flight on points and the flight fees total $190, however according to the travel grant you are entitled to $250, you will be reimbursed will be for $190.

If I drive to the conference, what expenses can I claim?

TMAC will accept gas receipts up to your maximum travel grant amount (you must provide copies of your receipts for your reimbursement) or TMAC will also reimburse reasonable per-kilometre based on the current Canada Revenue Agency. For the most recent CRA rates, Automobile Allowance Rates are viewable here.  Members will only be reimbursed for the allotted maximum travel grant amount.

If I car pool with a group, can I claim travel expenses?

Yes. The designated driver should be the person submitting the claim for travel expense. The car will be treated as one entity, no matter how many passengers, and the maximum allotment for the grant will be according to the driver's determined amount. For example, if a group of four travel from Toronto via car, and the eligible grant amount for Ontario is $100, the driver may claim $100; not $400 (four travellers x $100 each).

When will I find out the amount of my travel grant?

The Conference Committee will review the applications and compare it to the funds estimated from industry attendance and determine grant amounts for an announcement in May.

Why don't you just give the same amount to all media members?

We have chosen an option that is scalable to reflect actual travel costs for our members traveling from across Canada. We recognize that some of our media members will incur much higher costs than others and felt a one-size-fits-all policy was not the way to go. The amount available within the budget is shared among all media members expressing interest in applying for the grant.

NOTE: As has been past practice, the allocation for those residing within the same province as the conference is $100.00. Should there be an opportunity to increase  this amount following the submission of the claims, this will be revisited and adjusted accordingly. 

How do I claim my travel grant?

Between June 17 – July 15, 2024, complete a Travel Grant Expense Form and submit it with actual receipt(s), noting booking confirmations are not acceptable. If your expenses are less than the provided grant amount, you will only receive funds for the cost you have incurred.

You will be required to confirm participation in at least 18 appointments within the Marketplace, and it will be validated by CAO and Treasurer to validate this has been met.

Option #1:
E-mail your 2024 Travel Grant Expense Form along with your receipt(s) to Christine Painter at administration@travelmedia.ca

Option #2:
Mail hard copies to Travel Media Association of Canada, PO Box 332, Brighton PO, Ontario, K0K 1H0

Unless otherwise arranged, funds will be Interact e-transferred directly to you.

The deadline for submitting your travel grant details is July 15, 2024.

DOWNLOAD and complete the Travel Grant Expense Claim Form: